
Cancer it is such a common word these days. Most people are affected by cancer in some way shape of form. It can destroy you physically, emotionally, or spiritually.

As my family walks through this trial I would be lying if I said I didn’t experience the depression, denial, or anger emotions. Of course I have experienced them. Do I stay on those emotions? I can’t it will literally eat me alive. I have to choose to focus on the LORD through it all. Some days are really hard to say God is good, all the time, God is good. But I know this as truth and I cannot deny it. I can say that because I look past the here moment and into the eternal moment where I will be standing with my Savior in Heaven. I praise God that my Mom who is facing the cancer will be there too! It brings a comfort to my soul as I watch the cancer try to destroy her body. She is a fighter! The cancer will not destroy her spiritually. In fact it is doing the opposite, it’s making her stronger. The amazing thing the Holy Spirit is doing is making others around her stronger as well. What an amazing testimony. Something the devil is trying to use to destroy our family with is making us stronger.  I am simply amazed and proud of my Dad.  He truly is the glue to our family!  I can not imagine walking through this with out him.

No one fights alone!

It is all in God’s hands, and I am thankful for that!

I’m also, thankful for a great weekend with my family before Mom goes into surgery #2.  March 10-13, 2016

Pan cake tradition continues!
Pan cake tradition continues!
Moorhead's DQ opened!
Moorhead’s DQ opened!
Family time before surgery #2
Family time before surgery #2
Cancer Warriors!


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